about me


I am Sarah Parker and I am making this blog hoping to help and inspire you to choose with your heart, eat more healthy and be the best version of yourself.

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Contact me

what's important to me

Animal Welfare

I don't eat alot of meat, but when I do I make sure to buy meat from animals who has had a good life. Animal welfare is an animal who is healthy, comfortable, well-nourished, safe and who are able to express innate behavior. Animals should not be suffering from pain, fear and distress.

In Norway we are lucky to have foundations who works for the animals. Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance is one of them who has created a guide for the consumers, to help us make the most important choices when we buy products.

Eat less meat, and when you do - choose with your heart and spend some more money for the life that had to die for you.

Read the guide at Dyrevern.no